I have always had a strong affinity for plants and the natural world around me, but through my studies and work experience found the rigor in what makes other people respond to it. Bringing together a love of plants and a passion for thoughtful design provides a foundation for exactly that - to share native ecologies, urban ecologies, and human ecologies as an intersection rather than a backdrop for the human experience.

My horticultural experience started in the soil rather than the classroom where I gained knowledge working side-by-side with professionals at Fernwood Botanical Garden. It allowed a shift in scale of my projects from container plantings to large landscapes, and that shift gave me the push I needed to seek out an education that would let me share plants at a larger scale.

I found the same confidence throughout school with proper drafting tools and techniques that I already had with a sketchbook and shovel. While managing the garden at Jayson Home, I returned to school and received my Architecture degree at Illinois Institute of Technology. I now find myself sharing my passion for plants with my team and clients at Nathan Wright Landscape Design in Chicago.

Bringing together a love of plants and a passion for thoughtful design.